Thursday, June 7, 2012

The Power of Positive Thinking!

"All human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes" Andrew Carnegie. 

Our life is not a destination but a continuous journey. Therefore, we should find pleasure in simple things and make the best of our circumstances.
I am quoting some guidelines from the book, "The power of positive thinking" which I am reading these days and I believe its my second favorite book after "The Switch" in this field.

Change does not simply come from analysis, it only comes from action. Its never easy and requires determination and discipline.
Change the way you feel about yourself:

You can change the way you feel about yourself. These suggestions
will help:

1. Cast away your negative past. List your personal liabilities,
past mistakes, failures, and embarrassments. Burn it. Watch it
turned to ashes and say aloud, “That’s the last time I will let you
get me down. I have more important things to do.” Your actions
always reinforce your dominant thoughts. Learn from
those past bloopers and get rid of them. Get them off your
back. There are enough monkeys in this world waiting to jump
on it for you.

2. Evaluate your attributes. List your personal assets, competencies,
and achievements. A realistic résumé is a good start. Ask
your friends for help. Read it aloud three times a day for three
weeks, and then read it as soon as you get up each day thereafter.
Your actions reinforce your dominant thoughts. If you
have ever felt valuable, worthy, or good in the past, you can feel
that way again. You spent many years allowing others to program
you. Now it’s up to you.

3. Seek out positive input. Read or listen to something motivational
or inspirational everyday. Positive imagery requires
positive examples. You also need other people’s experiences.
Their research, techniques, and results can cut years off your
learning curve and save you from painful trial and error.

4. Write down specific goals. This triggers your inborn, automatic
goal-seeking mechanism. Even while you sleep, your
subconscious will help you overcome roadblocks, obstacles,
and defeats. As you achieve your goals, the written proof sup-
ports you as a worthy, achieving person, and plants good self-image
5. Take responsibility for your emotional environment. 
It’s hard to soar like an eagle when you are surrounded by a bunch of
turkeys. The law of emotional gravity is strong. You become
like those with whom you associate.

These beginning self-image building steps may seem simplistic,
but they are based on sound research and results. They are the foundation for a strong—what I call internal net worth. When you believe in and support your strengths and values and accept responsibility for being a deserving, creating achiever, then and only then, will you have moved toward being a positive influence on other people.

This video link is more inspirational:

Feel free to live your comments if you liked this article.

Good Luck with your life!

Murtaza :)

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